From Cyprus to the Citadel

By Lindsay We were fortunate to go on holiday last month, taking a week of ‘R&R’ in Cyprus and 2 weeks annual leave back home in Nottingham. After travelling from Aleppo to Damascus, we crossed the border into Lebanon by road, and had a lovely afternoon, evening and morning in Beirut before flying to Larnaca. Beirut is beautiful! A hilly city on the coast, with snow-capped mountains in the background, and we were really delighted to enjoy some sunny and warm weather after the chill of Aleppo. The history is reflected in the architecture – with a lot of new, very smart skyscrapers along the coast, interlaced with bullet-ridden buildings, a legacy of the civil war in the 1980s, which have long since been abandoned. Cyprus was wonderful – we spent the first few days in Nicosia wandering around the town straddling the Green Line between the Greek and Turkish sides of the island. Steve found his long-awaited really good pint of beer, and we both ate as many pork products as we could fin...