News from Juba

By Lindsay The first months of 2023 have flown by as the hot and dry season reaches its peak, and we are often seeing 42 degrees in the afternoon. On the plus side - there are far fewer mosquitoes. Steve and I have been discussing our time in South Sudan for a few months, and have decided to end our contract at the end of May, rather than waiting for December as originally planned. There's the possibility of finding another placement with Medair in one of the other countries the organisation works in, or we will return home. There is a lot to be thankful for having spent 9 months (so far) here, and we will leave with a lot of sadness for the friends we have made. On balance, the gains I have received through coming to South Sudan outweighs any cost - personal growth, the depth of experience, making new friends and appreciating the companionship of God have all been precious. As for Medair, staff come and go with regularity, much to the disappointment of some of our colleagues. The...